2023 is bringing a lot of changes to the Sumter Historic Cemetery.

A number of capital projects facilitated by the generosity and support of community members and companies have started and are underway. These projects include paving of some of the main roads, landscaping, installation of a well, and relocation of our maintenance facilities and shop away from the office area. These projects will continue into early 2024. Special thanks to Robert Rumph, Fred Burke/Burke Construction, Great Garden LLC and CPS for their support of these projects

Additionally, by way of community donations of work, material and money, the cemetery has initiated construction of a Veterans Memorial to recognize all veterans, including the over 2000 that are buried at the cemetery. Either by burial or cenotaph, all but one major US war is represented at the Sumter Cemetery. This memorial will be completed in early 2024 and a dedication ceremony involving the community, the military and local/state government will be scheduled. Special thanks to all those that are or will be involved in this project.